what am i even doing here?

impostor syndrome: (also known as impostor phenomenon, impostorism, fraud syndrome or the impostor experience) is a psychological pattern in which an individual doubts their accomplishments and has a persistent internalized fear of being exposed as a "fraud".

And that is pretty much how I feel about every artistic endeavor I have ever attempted. Like I have no clue what I am doing and I am just improvising until someone calls me out. When it comes to taking photos, I feel like a fraud nearly every time I pick up my camera.

But what's so bad about improvising? What' so wrong with not knowing everything or experimenting with your art with the same sense of wonder and joy you had before you got bogged down by all the "rules" and "proper" techniques? That's how I handled my music and I wouldn't change anything for all the success and money in the world. That's just not a good enough reason to conform for me.

So here are some of my photos. Because, yes I am a photographer. I may not be the best, or have the most expensive gear, but I enjoy it nonetheless. I carve out my own little niche and treat it like a child with a fistful of crayons would treat a blank page. I'm not hear to be the best, or become famous, published, or wealthy.

I just like creating. I just like making things.